Saturday, December 31, 2011

Let's look at Newt Gingrich

I'm going to run a bit on some of the upcoming possible choices for President of the U.S. The information on these candidates was sent to me, and one need always do their own digging, discerning, and due diligence- especially with our Nation at stake.

'Newt'(As in salamander??)Gingrich:
"Self proclaimed conservative Newt Gingrich might be the Republican candidate for President. With his unconstitutional track record, will he be right for America?

WHO is Newt Gingrich ?
Born Newton Searles McPherson in Pennsylvania, his mother remarried shortly after he was born to an Army Officer named Gingrich. Graduated from Columbus, Georgia High school and married his Teacher at age 19. Received his BA at Emory University during 1965, his MA in 1968 and Phd in 1971.

Married a 2nd and 3rd time, Gingrich has cheated on all of his wives. His family values are similar to Bill Clinton's in that he has been a user of marijuana, a draft dodger, and adulterer from a poor Southern family. His sexual preference, like Clinton's, is oral, in re ( Anne Manning 1976,) et al. Gingrich served his first wife divorce papers while she was in the Hospital recovering from cancer. He refused to pay bills and she took him to Court.

Gingrich received both Student and family deferments to keep from going to Vietnam as a draftee. During the House of Representative Bank scandal, Gingrich was found to have bounced 22 checks, including one that was a payment to the Internal Revenue Service.

Gingrich is combative, not apologetic, for his House Ethics violations. For example, he accepted a 4.5 million dollar book advance from the owner of FOX News - until fraud was discovered. Gingrich was forced to pay $300,00.00 for the investigation of his ethics violation regarding tax exempt donations to fund a College course he taught while in Congress. The House reprimanded Gingrich 395 to 28 for ethics violations.

Gingrich's political tactics made Republicans turn against him, including the current Speaker of the House, John Bohner. He resigned.

Gingrich, like Clinton, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR.) The CFR has been undermining the Constitution and American Sovereignity since its inception and direction by John D.Rockefeller, who is also involved in the Bilderberger's and Trilateral Commission. All three organizations are Un-American and want to see the United States as only an equal player in World Government under the United Nations.

Gingrich is committed to the New World Order plans to bring GLOBAL GOVERNMENT, GLOBAL ECONOMY AND GLOBAL RELIGION into play with another actor, Bill Clinton. They cannot accomplish the first two objectives, Global Government and Economy, until the EXISTING NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ARE THOROUGHLY DESTROYED. THEN, the New World Order Government can easily be established. (See Armageddon Script by Peter Lemesuries, St Martins Press, 1981, page252)

To destroy American Government, watch for the following terms:"Not sustainable." Old organizations, like American Government and its Constitution, must be destroyed, i.e. technology is said to be 'not sustainable' and must be replaced by "lower entropy" agricultural based civilization. The scenario is to seize control of the world by use of economic "silent weapons."

The number one enemy of New World Order planners has always been our Constitutional system of Government, Division of Powers, and Bill of Rights. During the last 60 years we have seen massive examples of corruption among Government leaders through abuse of office and powers.

Does Newt Gingrichs' self described position as a conservative mean he is loyal to the Constitution or thn 1996, the largest single increase in history.

Gingrich voted numerous times over 20 years in Congress to increase and expand unconstitutional foreign aid and trade. He supported sericans unemployed. NAFTA is the precursor for CAFTA ( Central American ) and the North American Union, the latter would bring Mexico, the USA and Canada into a single nation type entity with a single border. Plans are underway for a road from Mexico to Canada through the USA, just like Europe went borderless, not to mention totally LAWLESS.

The next year, Gingrich supported the creation of the World Trade Organization(WTO). GINGRICH'S BENEDICT ARNOLD ACT HELPED TO HAND OVER THE POWER TO REGULATE FOREIGN COMMERCE, A POWER RESERVED IN THE CONSTITUTION TO CONGRESS ALONE, to an internationally controlled body, making America's economic interests entirely at the mercy of the WTO.

Gingrich knew GATT sounded the death knell for American sovereignty. In testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee he said:
"We need to be honest about the fact that we are transferring from the United States, at a practical level, significant authority to a new organization...This is not just another trade agreement. This is adopting something which twice, once in the 1940's and once in the 1950's, the U.S. Congress rejected ...It is a very big transfer of power".

A public relations smokescreen and con game to cover unconstitutional measures, i.e. The balanced Budget Amendment was a Republican excuse to continue spending while claiming to fight for fiscal conservatism. If the Government spent money on only constitutional programs, the deficit would take care of itself. The CATO Institute observed the combined budgets of the 95 major programs Contract with America promised to eliminate increased by 13% . Gingrichs' Republican controlled House approved discretionary spending exceeding Clinton's request by more than 30 Billion.

Clinton publicly thanked Gingrich for support of projects in welfare, education, labor, the environment, and foreign affairs, and made special mention of Gingrich's support for the 30 billion Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which shackled gun owners with restrictions and gave the Feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states.

This partial resume does not include Gingrichs' support of abortion, anti-family measures, federal welfare, presidential line item veto, National Endowment for the Arts, CONFISCATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY, amnesty for illegal immigrants, higher taxes, and other unconstitutional legislation. Why this disdain for the rule of law?

Gingrich describes himself as a "conservative (not constitutional) futurist". For those trying to define, him he says to read The Third Wave, a 1980 book written by Alvin Toffler. The book describes our society as entering a post-industrial phase in which abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, and divorce are perfectly normal, even virtuous.

Toffler penned a letter to America's "foundin HE BECAME SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE.

Gingrich has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) since 1990. The CFR is a think tank of influential politicians and policy makers. He showed his fidelity to internationalism in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Affairs in July 1995 when he brazenly admitted his disdain for our founding document. "The American challenge in leading the world is compounded by our Constitution", he said. "Under our (constituti HE BECAME SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE.

Gingrich has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) since 1990. The CFR is a think tank of influential politicians and policy makers. He showed his fidelity to internationalism in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Affairs in July 1995 when he brazenly admitted his disdain for our founding document. "The American challenge in leading the world is compounded by our Constitution", he said. "Under our (constitutional system) --either we're going to have to rethink our Constitution, or we're going to have to rethink our process of decision making". He pledged, "I am for the United Nations".

Ginrich is up to all his old tricks. Trying to convince Tea Party members he is for smaller government, lower taxes, etc. It is all a sham. He is for local control of Schools -if they are regulated by the Government and subsidized. Nothing in the Constitution allows the Fed into Education.

America cannot afford to gamble on the Jekyll and Hyde Newt Gingrich - The chameleon who speaks from both sides of his mouth, depending on the audience. It is what he does and has done, not what he says, that distinguishes him from a Constitutional candidate.

We will only get good government by supporting 'CONSTITUTIONALISTS " regardless of political party - not self styled "conservatives," who twist its meaning and render the Constitution.

Since this is not a for sale article, I will not list material background sources."

With a history like that, it sounds all too familiar to the 'double-speak' we've already experienced with our current administration....
One wolf in sheep's clothing is very much like any other wolf in sheep's clothing...

BTW, those who do not understand the agenda of the U.N. need to do some homework. You may find the UN is not the sugar-coated 'good' organization it tries to convince people it is. There is an excellent 2-part article entitled "Global Governance- How? Why? When?' by Henry Lamb. Please do not be influenced by the word 'conspiracy';the article is well researched, and has important, if not critical information. You can read it online here:
You may also find a list of incidents where the UN has over-run US authority here:
There is another piece here: , along with what it means here:

It is important that we all understand what is at stake with the 2012 election.

In the meantime, be safe, healthy, and prosperous in the New Year!

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