Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Make Your Voice Heard

On Feb 28,2011, Congress will address the issue of whether or not to continue with the Patriot Act.  The Patriot Act authorizes the FBI to obtain secret orders to search any business or organization, including bookstores and libraries, whenever it is seeking records that are "relevant" to a national security investigation, including the records of people who are not suspected of criminal conduct.   It is time to get this Act REPEALED and gain our rights and liberties back.
There is also a Bill proposing allowing the President to shut down the Internet in this country whenever he sees fit. I am sure you can see the devastation to businesses and citizens that would result from this- not just in the US, but worldwide, should this be allowed to be passed and ever implemented.The bipartisan bill is sponsored by Maine Sen. Susan Collins, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.  This bill — called “The Protecting Cyberspace As A National Asset Act of 2010” S.3480 — was approved by a Senate panel this week. It MUST be STOPPED!
There is also an issue regarding our defence.Three-quarters of all American adolescents are ineligible for military service for one reason or another: poor health, drug-taking, criminal records or low level of education. It is time to fix that issue. It used to be that the courts offered either military service or jail time to offenders. Perhaps doing so again would offer the needed discipline to offenders while fulfilling the defense needs of the country. I think it is odd that they won't allow a 'drug offender' into the service, yet a person with a felony record can be elected to be President and hold the highest office in the nation.
Whether people are for or against a national healthcare system is irrelevant if the system they are trying to put into place is unconstitutional. The one proposed IS unconstitutional and must be stopped. The intent may have been 'good', however, Anything that infringes on the rights and liberties must not be allowed.
Please let your readers know about these issues, and that they need to write to their representatives, You can find your representatives here:

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