Any one of us, upon seeing what is being done to our children, would be not only chastised but we'd be criminally charged. We'd have our children taken away from us, and we'd be hard-pressed to ever get them back.Yet, every day, year after year, our government officials are undoing every effort we take to raise responsible and caring countrymen and women. I, for one, am really fed up.
Our 'leaders' are doing nothing short of "contributing to the delinquency of minors". These officials are, in fact, pressing "undue influence" on our young, and "setting harmful examples detrimental to well-being" that would render our young to act and respond in ways that are 180 degrees different than what we deem proper.
We work diligently and relentlessly in order that our children may grow up with sound values, honest ethics, proper principles, heart-felt compassion, and conscientious behavior. Yet our leaders are undermining our efforts in every quarter.
Perhaps it is high time for us to ask the following pertinent questions:
How is witnessing the constant over-spending, done by our government officials, going to teach these children that one must live within their means, and that diligently saving is a good thing? What message are our governing officials sending to our young? By throwing money in every direction, being wasteful, and over-extending constantly, as well as taking from others, what is this actually teaching our children?
What message does bullying others to bow to our official's desires say to our young?
What does all the publicity of our officials, being plastered everywhere, concerning their personal habits regarding sexual encounters and infidelity, as well as drinking and drug use impress upon our young? How is it that the consequences dealt out to these officials for these types of actions are not nearly as severe as they would be for one of us if had we been the one to commit these same acts? What message is that sending to our young?
When our officials allow food, medicine and soil, air and water to be contaminated and altered with things of which they have no idea what the consequences will be, how is that serving the best interest of our children?
Why do our officials think it is OK to go destroy some country (and all the families therein), constantly engage in altercations, and yet have it sanctioned as being worthy? Is this the type of behavior that we want to have taught to our children?
Do our officials, who condone poisoning all species, committing torture and other atrocious acts upon others, creating and spreading disease, and causing death and suffering to others actually think their behavior is teaching our children to be compassionate and caring people?
What kind of message is sent to our young while these young are constantly hearing about, and experiencing, our officials lying and distorting the truth, changing what is taught as our history, and even stealing?
Is it teaching our young to be responsible and conscientious about our environment when our children see hundreds of barges laden with barrels of toxins and tons of garbage being carted out of our harbors to be dumped into the sea daily, or when our young witness massive amounts of harmful chemicals being run off into our waterways and oceans?
Why do our officials sanction violence, hatred, competition, lies, indulgence in alcohol and drugs, deception of every sort, with a over-abundance of sexual behavior, including bizarre deviations of such, by allowing it to be promoted, packaged and offered up as 'education' and 'entertainment' to our young? What is this steady diet teaching our children?
Is it teaching our children to be loyal and upstanding when our young are exposed to treasonous acts done by our leaders, and encouraged by our school, county, state and federal officials to turn in their friends and, indeed, even their parents? Yet, these same officials are engaged in behavior far more offensive on a regular basis. What exactly is this teaching our young?
Are these the values we would want imparted to our children?
When our officials arbitrarily change the dates on which to pay homage to our great Founders and Veterans so as to not interrupt the work schedule of the large mega-corporations that financially aid our officials, does this not undermine the importance of our traditions? Does this not present a shallowness to the importance of respect and even liberty? What kind of message is this sending to our young regarding honoring those who struggled and fought, and even died for us?
How is allowing our officials to expose our children to alternative gender relations, amoral behavior, and counseling our young to participate in making important life decisions without involving their own families serving our young? Is not this reprehensible behavior from our officials undermining the institution of family, and weakening the very fabric of our nation?
How does the removal of 'offensive religious dribble' by our officials from our public grounds serve to build strong spiritual connections in our young?
How is having our governing officials constantly spew on about government hand-outs going to ever impress our young with the importance and value of being self-reliant?
How are they to learn be free when they are made to believe that following official's orders unquestionably, and being subjected to others is acceptable and encouraged?
How can a child reasonably think when our officials are seeing to it that they are functionally illiterate?
How is it these officials seem to think that sloughing minuscule parts of hit and miss chapters in books is actually giving our children a sound and proper educational foundation, a love of learning, a standard of completion, and a 'finish what you start' posture?
How is having books, of which our governing bodies solely control what is written within, and how, when and by what media it is to be presented, benefiting our young with a full educational advantage?
How is the exhibition, by our officials, of constant disregard of respect, waste of goods and precious resources, abuse, hatred, and destruction teaching our young the critical values and principles, ethics, compassion, respect and duty so integral to their proper development?
There is an old saying that rings true..."if you want a job done right, do it yourself".
There is no doubt that we are overdue in handling our own governing.
Through governing ourselves, we can then be assured that we are giving our children the solid foundation on which they may then build lives that will be conscientious, responsible, joyful, and will afford them the tools with which to pass onto their own young.
It is extremely difficult to assure that our young learn to be kind, honest, compassionate, thorough, spiritual, educated, and conscientious while our efforts are being undermined constantly by our own officials.
It is equally difficult to pass on strong ethics, the joy of discovery, the satisfaction of quality workmanship, the importance of tradition and spiritual awareness, and the value of strong family ties, and moral behavior when we have such poor examples thrown in the faces of our impressionable young on a daily basis by those who are in their current position of governing us all.
Clearly, we are doing a disservice to our young, and our country by allowing this to continue any further.
We MUST remove ourselves and our children from these poisonous influences that these unfit officials so blatantly employ to skew the young hearts and minds of our children, and indeed our nation.
We must steadfastly protect our children from the life-damaging harm that our officials would subject them to in their attempts to bring about ruin.
It is one thing for an adult to be fooled; it is quite another when the lives of our children are being molded by officials who clearly exhibit no respect for life, no respect for anything, nor anyone.
We MUST end the farce. More importantly, we MUST end the delusion that our officials are serving us and our prodegy in any appreciably good way.
How can we have hope for a decent future for our families when our children are constantly subjected to such disdainful influences daily?
If we are to have lives worth living, for our loved ones, and for all future generations, we MUST do right, and we must do so immediately.
To do otherwise is not just failing ourselves, it is failing our children, and all the young ones evermore. It is imperative that we act to correct this horrid situation. It is critical to all civilization and the world that WE act in the best interest of our children, our families, and our nation.
And, YES, it is even more important than going to work each day for the mega-corporation that supposedly 'gives' you that paycheck...
Surely you have some skill, some talent that can be better used to provide support and a healthier environment for your family.
It is time to come together with our neighbors, friends and family and see to it that the life we all believe is possible manifests according to our hearts' standard.
That would be acting in the best interest of our children.
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