Thursday, April 7, 2011


WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?? BURY the Nuke Plants in Japan NOW!!!
It is LONG PAST time that we take things in hand and demand that ALL the nunclear plants be taken apart and BURIED, and all who are proponents of this despicable use of resources be trained to do something else.
The danger of nuclear fallout, waste, and every other component of this indutry is NOT in tune with what is harmonious and healthy for anything or anyone on the planet.
How many 'incidents' do the inhabitants of this world have to endure before the proponents see that it is NOT a good thing?  It has never been a good thing, yet they continued for years with their lies, tooting the safety of this monsterous industry.
These proponents have had NO regard for the ill effects of this dangerous source of power, no regard for the true costs to everything and everyone on this planet and in our universe and galaxy. They apparently do not comprehend that every single action, every single deed, every single word and thought has permanent repercussions...and those repercussions are like a drop of water onto a infinite pond. The ripple goes on and on and on, indefinitely. Somehow, they do not see this, do not understand the real effect they are having on everything in existence.
If we cannot make them see, we must take away their toys- because they are hurting everything. We must show them how to live in harmony.
They are not providing a service to anyone or anything. 20 to 30 years of electricity is NO bargain when we have poisons forever from it! They are playing with dangerous and deadly substances that need never be played with, especially by those with so little comprehension of what they are actually doing.
It is time to take the control out of their hands. It is time to shut down everything remotely connected to nuclear power.
If these people who are proponents of this dangerous and deadly power refuse to shut these plants down and take them apart, and bury the nuclear mess they've created, then WE MUST.
Enough is enough.
It is time to live responsibly.   It is time to be respectful of ALL life.

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