Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In a world wrought with problems where we people are more prone to finding someone to blame than we are in accepting our own responsibilities, I see many areas where we are not actively seeking viable solutions.

America, and most every country today, has an array of problems that sometimes seem insurmountable. However, if we are to BE a free country, we MUST uphold our Constitution. We MUST find solutions for these problems WITHOUT blaming one political party or the other, WITHOUT all the finger-pointing as to how and why we allowed these problems to gain the ground they have in the first place.
We all recognize that there are problems- it is not important at THIS POINT to lay blame. It IS important to come to a viable solution.
I am going to step up to the plate and offer some solutions.
#1)- DEMAND that the Big power Corporations, irrespective of where they are 'based', drastically CUT their OWN profit margins, and the salaries of all officers, directors and representatives of the company.
Use the money from those cuts to pay the following:
a) a proper wage and benefits to the common workers now employed by them, both directly and through their 'agents' that hire out work in the worlds' 'sweat-shops'. This would level the wages field, as well as improving working conditions everywhere.
b) pay an equitable tax, like all other businesses, to every country that they, in any way, operate in any capacity. This would level the taxation field, and reduce overall costs of all government programs to their people..
c) reduce the prices equitably for all products sold within any country. This would level the playing field for commerce, opening up better opportunity for competitive smaller companies to have an equal share of the market- which in turn would create more jobs, and improve conditions of economies everywhere.

#2- DEMAND responsible, ethical common people to head up important offices that oversee the safety of our products and foods and medicines, and services, as well as administration of the country itself, that our tax dollars pay for, and have their salaries be appropriate for the position. This would lead to consumers having confidence in the products and services they utilize, as well as ensure that these offices are doing their job according to their respective products and services, while eliminating 'special interest' groups and 'bought' political advantage by a select few. It also ensures our representatives are doing a proper job.

#3) DEMAND a re-evaluation by the people of the laws and ordinances. Make these available as they currently stand to every person of natural birth, and only the sovereign of the country have a right to re-align and reduce those to something that, by majority of the common persons, is easily understandable, and not in contradiction to other laws and ordinances. Currently, we have far too many laws and ordinances that are in direct conflict with how people want their lives to be , and these laws and ordinances also have contradictory laws. This would eliminate redundant and unenforceable laws, lessen the need for 'specials' to 'interpret' these laws and ordinances for the common man, and give each country a stronger and better understanding of their country and how it works, as well as creating a more satisfied public while reducing waste of resources.

#4)DEMAND that all positions of responsibility that choose to have huge dinners/events/travel expenses do so out of the salary they are paid. This would put more people on an equal footing, and eliminate 'open check'/'carte blanc' spending on the taxpayer, reducing overall spending by leadership positioned appointees. The savings on this needs to be applied to the country's 'debt'.

#5)DEMAND that all organizations that are not directly governed by the sovereign people of the country LEAVE the country in every way, and return all rights of governing to the sovereign people of that country.

#6)DEMAND safe and healthy, righteous products only on any market. Make companies clean up and be liable for all damages, past and future. This would help everyone and the environment.

#1 solution would eliminate illegal aliens from a country because the conditions in their own country would be equal to any opportunity elsewhere.
Jobs would then go to the sovereign people of their own native country.
Taxes would be equalized appropriately, allowing workers to take home more of the money they have earned.
Programs and services would not have to be cut for lack of tax dollars.
Everyone could afford the products and services they would want.
Corporate heads and common folk would be getting an appropriate wage for their jobs.

#2 solution would require that a person who heads a particular office is contactable, and is properly qualified and knowledgeable to do that job. This would give people more confidence that they could obtain desired results overall.

#3 solution would eliminate redunancy in our legal systems, and save billions in wasted monies and lives that currently are caught up in this web of contradictory laws and ordinances. There would be more lives pointed towards productiveness and community involvement, and less waste going towards imprisonment and 're-habiliation'.
It would ensure that all people understood the laws and how to properly and easily utilize them.

#4 solution would make sure that there is no excessive waste of taxpayers dollars going on lavish, unnecessary expenses.
With no 'expense accounts', all expenses would have to come from their REASONABLE salaries (if that means they had to have a BBQ or a pot-luck dinner instead of lobster and filet mignon, so be it).It would keep them grounded and on task for the job at hand, instead of blatantly spending ridiculous amounts on lavish and foolish expenses. That, in turn, would satisfy the taxpayer that their monies were being well applied for the purposes they intended them to be used for.

#5 solution would put the control into the hands that it is necessary for it to be in.
This eliminates the threat of outside organizations controlling a sovereign nation, and manipulating it into undesireable situations.
It would mean that the UN no longer can tell a governing sovereign what they can and cannot do, which would leave the sovereign deciding what is best for them.
It would mean that no outside monetary body can exchange money for favors. If that culminates back to a straight barter system for the sovereign, so be it. People are quite capable of deciding fair value in such a scenario.
This also preserves a nation's native culture(s), and promotes diversity and individualism, which allows for greater creativity and more innovative ethical products and solutions.

#6 solution ensures that we have good, wholesome products, services and the means to properly educate people.
It means that the truth is told in our books, the ingredients we have in our foods and products will create no harm, and that overall health of every person will improve.
It also means that any damage that has been done is compensated for, the environment is cleaned up by those that have harmed it by promoting and creating bad products.
It also means that services will operate to the best advantage for those being served BY them, instead of service organizations claiming they are servicing/serving a person, when in fact they are not providing anything of a true service- they are contrarily ruining people's lives. This solution would allow for public overseeing of service offices so as to prevent abuses by those offices to the public and individual sovereign person.

When American sovereign people decide to take such a course of solutions, other countries would follow suit. This would lead to an ethical, productive, fair and equal, healthy, prosperous and peaceful world.

This set of solutions can be brought about once the people make their demands known in a sensible and peaceful manner. In the event of resistance from said corporations or world and private organizations, other tactics, such as refusal to purchase or use the money, can be employed. I am sure that a huge corporation would not want to lose 6 billion+ customers, nor would the UN want to provoke a free nation with numerous worldwide connections.

I do not believe that the previously over-used 'fear-factor' would deter the people of this country from attaining the desired results offered from these  solutions. If those that employ 'fear-factor tactics' told us that a meteor was going to hit, and kill us all (or any like scenario), there would be those who choose not to believe that, and would still put these solutions to work.  We know now that choosing the lesser of two evils is NOT a viable solution.

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