Thursday, November 17, 2011

'Bout Time!

Received this today:

A hearing to review removal of Barack Obama from the New Hampshire primary ballot will be conducted this Friday at 2 p.m. at the NH Legislative Office Building, Room #307 (33 N. State St., Concord). The Ballot Law Commission will review a complaint filed by Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. of California and a leader in the Obama eligibility movement which charges that Obama has presented a forged birth certificate on, uses a social security number not assigned to him, and does not meet the Natural Born definition confirmed by Minor v. Happersett of requiring two U.S. citizen parents at birth.

At least one NH state legislator will appear at the meeting, but at least two have signed onto the complaint as well. Taitz requests donations or air miles to be able to testify in person if called on by the commission. The public can attend the meeting.

If you would like to join the complaint or file your own complaint, you can fax the NH Secretary of State’s office at 603-271-6316. Below is an example of a complaint to join Dr. Taitz’s. For Taitz's contact information visit:
You can also contact the director of Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 at to learn about challenging in other states, visit

Monday, November 7, 2011


Did you know that there is a couple of House Resolutions being presented that will to allow voting without photo ID, and that this is being pushed for all 50 states?
Just walk into a polling location, register, and cast a ballot immediately. No questions asked, no ID required.

According to an recent article written by Bob Unruh(© 2011 WND), Rep. Keith Ellison
a Minnesota congressman, has proposed federal legislation that would impose this  type of voter registration- which Minnesota already has- on the other 49 states. Critics have launched online campaigns to make people aware of the dangers of Rep. Keith Ellison's H.R. 3316 and its companion H.R. 3317. Minnesota leads the nation in voter fraud cases. (Think there's a corelation there?)

Cited in Unruh's article were the following comments, which had been posted on the Election Integrity Watch site:"Our votes control trillions of public dollars, yet Ellison would have us believe nobody would ever steal them. We can trust everybody, right?" 
"Would you keep your money in a bank that allowed people to make withdrawals without checking their identity and verifying that they are entitled to the money?"

The dangers inherent in promoting Ellison's H.R. 3316, and in H.R. 3317 are obvious to anyone with any sense. H.R. 3316 would banish all photo identification requirements, and H.R. 3317 would allow people to walk into a polling location, register, and vote immediately. Ellison claims the intent is to curb "voter suppression".  Common sense dictates that these would be greatly abused by those NOT entitled, nor of age to cast a legal vote.

However, Ellison claims that "The Same Day Registration Act would require states to provide for same day voter registration for a federal election. The Voter Access Protection Act would make sure election officials cannot require photo identification in order to cast a vote or register to vote."

Could this be WHY Minnesota runs rampart in voter fraud? hmmm...
If you no longer require photo ID, then how do you know who they rightfully are, and if they are of legal age to vote? How do you know whether or not they are even a citizen, and are even entitled to vote? For example, felons are not allowed to vote, and it is through identification that we find out whether or not these votes were cast legally.

If we no longer utilize mandatory identification of who is voting, and we allow 'instant voting', that opens the floodgates for anyone(citizen or NOT), including every illegal anywhere, to come here, dash in, cast a vote (legally qualified or NOT), and dash out. This will ultimately cost us heaps more money.
What's next, allowing our dogs to vote in our stead? Or maybe for their own selves???

Perhaps, that is exactly what Obama is hoping for....?
Personally, I think we have enough illegals draining the pockets of all our hard working, tax paying citizens. Do we really need more abuse of the system?

Oh, and just for those of you who did not know...they have recently "relaxed" the border patrol, by issuing a directive ordering these officials to no longer do their standard checks on buses, trains, and in airports.   One has to REALLY question WHY??????
According to an article run by Associated Press[SEATTLE (AP)]on November 4, "halting the practice has baffled the agents. Agents may still go to train and bus stations and airports if they have specific "actionable intelligence" that there is an illegal immigrant there who recently entered the country. It's not clear how agents are supposed to glean such intelligence, and even if they did, under the new directive, they still require clearance from Washington, D.C. headquarters before they can respond.
Gene Davis, a retired deputy chief in the Border Patrol's sector in Blaine, Wash., emphasized how effective the checks can be. He noted that a check of the Bellingham bus station in 1997 yielded an arrest of Palestinian Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer. Abu Mezer skipped out on a $5,000 bond ­- only to turn up later in Brooklyn, where New York police shot him as he prepared to bomb the city's subway system. Davis also noted that would-be millennium bomb suspect Ahmed Ressam was arrested at the border in late 1999 when he left a ferry from British Columbia to Washington in a rented car full of explosives.
"We've had two terrorists who have come through the northern border here. To put these restraints on agents being able to talk to people is just ridiculous," Davis said.
The Border Patrol informed officials at the Bellingham airport on Thursday that, from now on, they would only be allowed to come to the airport "if there's an action that needs their assistance," said airport manager Daniel Zenk. "I'm shocked," Zenk said."

Let's see...if we relax our security checks at the border that monitor illegals coming into the country, AND we relax the mandatory requirements for voting....hmmmm...Does anyone smell a HUGE PROBLEM?????

It is TIME to DEMAND that we maintain our voter requirements, AND that we DEMAND our officials to ALLOW our Border Patrol to DO their job!

I don't think paying these people to work out cross word puzzles or sit in the cars we pay for, staring at the lakes while on duty is an effective use of our tax dollars, while illegals skip into the country unchecked.
And I definitely think it UNWISE to lower the requirements necessary in the U.S. to cast a legal vote. BOTH these moves are DANGEROUS to the well-being of our country.