Reflecting on all that is happening in our world today, it is critical that we be aware of our effect.
This is directed to everyone. It may be easier to understand by those who accept that we are not here by chance- that perhaps there is some larger influence on our lives. Some may call this influence by various names, and for some, this influence holds a more 'logical' non-titled place or theoretical position*.
Indeed, the world is filled with many who seek to destroy, who are chained by greed and malice. However, there are an abundance of those who are not like that, and who have learned, or are learning, what our true role here is all about.
Nor would anyone want it to be the thing that never got the chance to be read or heard.
We- each one of us- never really knows exactly how much 'time' we have here. It is important to make those seconds and moments express what is in our deepest heart.
Let the anger go- it has no place in the realm of love. We are here to love. We are Not here to feel guilty, or regretful, resentful, or angry, or hateful. We are Children of God- like tender flowers, and God's love is our nourishment, so we may bloom to our fullest and show our beauty- pass on God's love by showing and giving ours.
We are here to give our love, and accept love from others.
I realize I am not very good at that myself, and am way too critical. Do not follow my path, for it is filled with pitholes. Follow your own. Cultivate kindness, patience and compassion. Do not be afraid to love. Do not withhold the love in your heart, for that expression of love, that smile, that hug, that moment of listening, or sharing, that deed, or kindness, or act of forgiveness may well be the last thing you do- we never know if it is, or not, really.
We only have this moment.
Express your heart, your love, as if it is the last thing you may ever do.
Life, and those around us can be challenging, difficult, and downright hard. Change is not easily embraced. We must learn from our surroundings- the planet and the seasons. They change. Sometimes the transitions are sudden and unexpected- like with a tornado, or earthequake. Other times, the changes are gradual. Either way, we, like the planet we inhabit, must adapt to those changes. In Biology, we learn that if a species cannot adapt, it becomes extinct.
People say Earth is solid, and firm, even stubborn. As a gardener, I find Earth pliable, easily changed, and the make-up of the soil changes constantly- by it's own will, as well as by 'outside' influences...a little rabbit dung, water, climate, earthworms, etc. all change the composition- these changes allow it to become pliable and productive, or hard and fragile. Like the Earth, we must give ourselves what we need.
If we need to be hard and fragile/breakable, we give ourselves little to no nourishment. If we want to be our best, then we must nourish ourselves with the best loving- giving and taking the best love has to offer. The traits of love are kindness, patience, gratitude, compassion- opening up our hearts to give and receive this love- God's Love- is all that is important in Life. The rest we don't remember- we don't take with us when we leave. Like the movement of blood keeps our body alive, the movement (the give and take) of Love keeps our Spirit alive.
Fill your heart with Love, and your life will soon reflect that. Give Love, and you will receive love. Accept love, and you will give love.
Metaphysically speaking, it is literally the Love that causes the motion in the Universe. This is why 'we' are so important. Every time the human race gets too much negativity going on, the planet starts to wobble radically- it becomes unstable- which affects the rest of the universe and everything in it- bad things start to happen.
When we are loving, things smooth out. It is a fact. Science has yet to account for the 'emotional state' of the humans, and what their actual role is, and how it affects the entire universe. Science is just now recognizing that our thoughts affect matter.
The words we say, the thoughts we think, and the things we do have a profound effect on All, not just humans. "Love makes the World Go Round" is not just a meaningless, sentimental saying- it is a known metaphysical cause-and-effect mechanism. It is The Truth, simply stated. Without Love, 'we' (as in the Universe) do not exist- because the motion would stop. One could look at it in this way: God is the spark- Love is the motion.
So, if you think Life is beautiful- if you have an appreciation for gorgeous sunsets and awesome sunrises, pretty flowers, soft breezes, nourishing rain, colorful rainbows, the smell of grass, the green of trees, the majesty of mountains, the crash of waves, the various lifeforms we share this planet with....LOVE. It is Life itself.
You don't have Time to waste being angry. (unless you are into destroying what was given to you by God).
Just remember the old adage, "Action speaks louder than Words" and you will see that notes, apologies, and the like are outweighed by our actions. (not to say we don't appreciate your saying you are sorry). It is just that we all remember another's actions- like that boy who was mean to you in school- which do you remember more? The mean acts, or the apology...the apology doesn't hold as much weight as the acts did.
The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated. It is what the Torah speaks of- chesed. It is AS important as honoring your Heavenly Father and Mother. You honor them by loving- Do unto others as you would have done to you. These are not 'requests'- they are Commandments. God commanded us to follow these in exchange for the Gift of Life. If we accepted living- which obviously is the case, since we are here- then we are 'bound' to do what was/is required of us. Anything less is like telling God to go shove off, which may not be a very good idea...
The challenges and strife are simply there to get us to strive- to get us to act- to activate desire- to drive us to be better. Without them, we wouldn't do much, as we are prone to being complacent. We tend to get caught up in our own little micro-world. And we are a bit self-ish- we don't tend to do anything unless there is some tidbit in it for us- some feel-good factor involved. So we're sort of God's spoiled Children...
God has given us everything to make us happy- a beautiful place to live, free will, breathable air, drinkable water, abundant food, awesome scenery, a variety of interesting life-forms to interact with...and we still insist on wanting more without giving back proper gratitude, without sharing our love. Pretty rotten kids, us lot. (good thing God is more patient than we are).
Of course, since God already knows everything, there was a little glitch thrown in the mix. Learn to love or lose All life Everywhere. Rough choice.
Yet, we silly children keep testing that line- pushing that boundary- seeing just how far we can push the 'Old Man'- seeing just how many times we can mess with 'Ma Earth'...
Not a good choice, of course- but children always do that. And they never realize the seriousness until the damage is done; the plug is pulled. THEN, they MIGHT 'get it', and willingly change their course of action. THEN they MIGHT think of consequences before doing something.
WE are amazing children. We have been given the gift of healing- healing ourselves, healing others. We were given the ability to connect with the hearts and minds of everything and everyone we encounter. How we carry on here affects all - everyone, and every thing.
Do we really want to affect others negatively? Can we really change the damage we have already done? Are we really guaranteed that there will be a tomorrow?
These are questions we must consider carefully.
I struggle with these myself. When I heard that a fellow I had known had been murdered, there was little compassion in my heart- I thought about how he burned my little black kitten's feet years ago, and realized that his loss of life was no great loss to me- hardened heart. I realized I didn't care about 'paying my respects' to this murdered man. I did not think about the loss his children may be feeling. I only thought 'he got his just desserts'. Not very compassionate. I, too, have a lot to learn. He was, after all, also one of God's creations, and his family did not need to experience such a harsh scenario. He may have 'collected his karma', but that is no reason for me to be so cold. It would be more appropriate to feel bad- pity him- because he did not learn his lesson (to be loving and to accept love), and will have to return until he does learn it. He has not been set free, or forgiven. He cannot 'go home' until he has learned (for those who do not accept reincarnation as an option, he may have been sent to Hell- God may not have forgiven him for his ill deeds).
Everyone makes others feel good. Some by coming into our lives, and others by going away.
I don't want to be like that fellow, or so many others like him...I don't want to know people are glad to see me go away. I don't want it to be a scenario of ,"Boy, I'm glad they are finally gone!"
I would rather be someone they want to see- who they welcome openly. And smile.
Clearly, I have a long way to go as far as learning to love. And a long way to go to learn about accepting love.
If I know anything at all, it is that I have this moment. Now, I must learn to make it the BEST moment.
After all, the whole Universe is counting on each and every one of us learning to Love.
(and all this time, you thought you were not important. Nothing could be further from the truth)
Chesed literally means 'loving kindness'. However, hesed (the root of chesed) has a much narrower definition than the English word "love" conveys. In the Hebrew Scriptures, hesed refers to the kind of love that is promised and is owed- 'a mutual exchange of affection and loyalty based on mutual obligations' - love formed in the bonds of covenant. (the covenant between God and God's Children-[humankind]). Literally, Love in exchange for Life/ Life in exchange for Love. God provides Life, as long as we provide Love. God provides Love as long as we provide Life. The mutual exchange of affection and loyalty based on mutual obligation. (Love makes the world go round, literally) It is the glue that binds us. It is the 'cost' of living here.
It is through all our actions, all our thoughts and all our words that Love is expressed.
By doing so, we get our next breath.
Love is not just an emotion.
Love is a collection of actions.
Love is the most pertinent and imperative thing we can do. Nothing else matters.
"Seeing is not Believing...Believing is Seeing".
*(for those of you who hold an atheist point of view, please understand that compassion, giving, kindness and love also have a place in your lives, and how you express and accept this love affects everything, whether or not you are aware of that or believe it).
May your heart be filled with Love and Blessings!